1257 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Single Floor Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1257 Square Feet
Sit Out
3 Bedroom
3 Attached Bathroom
Work Area
This gives the quality to the garden and its design leads from a turning shape to a curved convex rail and shape tread, with curved hints under the curve. The white footstool makes you feel privacy. Glass fence. That angled end gives the feeling of an exciting mass of people just slipping down. This chic, high quality treadboard, without a riser in between, creates a visual with transparent glass. This staircase shares the tonality of the soil color of the universe with a detail and a tall vase. This staircase has a dramatic shape with symmetrical stairs. The white staircase joins with the white exterior, the stairs are too heavy. Also, the design is useful for space. With simple wooden help, angled wooden steps make the design happy, warm, bringing the tone home. It is rustic and rustic of this house and the stairs surrounded by greenery. Also, these doors have a width. Each door panel can not be enlarged because the door becomes bigger or the door breaks.