1237 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1237 Square Feet
Budget : 17 Lacks

Sit Out
3 Bedroom
2 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom

contact the designer.
Perfect Design
Riyadh – K.S.A
Mail :perfecthomedesignz@gmail.com

Built as a contemporary thing aiming to approach green lush area, this house is heading towards the grace around it. It is designed using nature to make sure that your home is always cooler. The interior garden faces the house, and light is allowed from large windows. Boasting a unique appearance to protect privacy, the main focus is the facade made of brick and light steel flat. Architectural styles such as lush gardens, large windows, courtyards and exteriors are made to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. Glass walls, metal stairs and doors all create unique and contemporary beauty. In a large green garden, a house of protected anger of bird’s nest, and its stick will show straw nest on its surface. Classical song of this house, rubble making foundation, local timber for door, courtyard home open floor plan and garden

1237 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Home Design and Plan
1237 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Home Design and Plan

Courtesy : keralahomedesignz.com


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