1195 Sq Ft 3 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1195 Square Feet
Courtesy : META Designers & Builders
sit out
living room
dining hall
3 bedroom
1 attached bathroom
1 common bathroom
stair room
This is a contemporary house design from Meta Designers & Builders. This design comprises of 1195 square feet total area with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms most of the people are looking for creative ways to utilize the space in your small home with modern look and unique front elevation. This design is one of the best design to match your style. The one descent sized bedroom are as joined by attached bathroom.
It also has sit out, well designed living room, dining area, specious kitchen, wash room. A small store room included with the kitchen. One bedroom with attached bathroom, a small passage and open terrace are situated in the first floor. This residence is built at an area of 5 cent . The front elevation of this house is more attractive and beautiful. The design is very streamlined with straight clear lines in elevation which gives it a very modern and understated look and feel.