1170 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Low Budget Single Floor House with Plan

Total Area : 1170 Square Feet
Budget : 15 Lacks
Sit Out
3 Bedroom
2 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Work Area
The finishing you choose will have a major impact on your room, perhaps affecting either floor, sink or tile. If you have a street food startup fantasy, steel may be the worktop for you. Sanitary, tough, in the kitchen of the restaurant, stainless steel looks professional and chic, it is very easy to keep clean. And you can put a hot bread and there is no problem. A firm surface is dirty, scratch-resistant, difficult to crack, and very rugged. This material is also suitable for cooking food. It’s pretty easy to keep it clean and the wooden workbench is a splendid pleasure. It looks simple, warm and homely. If you do not mind sharpening your elbow at all, do not regret your choice. Besides teak and Iroko, the oil content is high, so it becomes strong against water. Of course, it is not just appearance or style. The proper working surface depends very much on how you actually use, what your personal bugball is, and where you are cleaning and cleaning. Here are some of the key worktop options for you to get started. Although this is not the cheapest choice, an artificial solid surface worktop like a mixture of minerals and acrylic resin becomes the ultimate in a strict kitchen worktop. The flexibility of this material eliminates the need to worry about unsightly binding and can be formed to create an integrated sink and board with a clean appearance as here. The solid surface worksheet has a wide range of natural effects when various things are needed. Trees have a lot of disgust. And do not mention burnt ring. If you are a low maintenance person, you may not need to pour oil regularly on a regular basis. Spilling to prevent spillage should be washed away promptly. The wound needs to be polished later. Since this type of workbench can be easily damaged, please protect the workbench when shredding food or oven tray. Very cheap lamination may be a fake economy.