1129 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Single Floor Contemporary Modern Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1129 Square Feet
Budget : 15 Lacks
Car Porch
Sit Out
3 Bedroom
2 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
contact the designer.
Perfect Design
Riyadh – K.S.A
Mail :perfecthomedesignz@gmail.com
Mirrored Greek windows introduce surprising elements into the space. The whole area looks busy with various elements born from various styles but it creates a cozy and comfortable environment. In the upper layer, the latest home theater system and lounge area. The sliding door opens this space and turns it into a lounge for young son’s use. It also brings a fantastic view of the city. Apart from my son’s room, there is also a laboratory and office area on the upper floor. The room is designed with the same fusion style as the rest of the lower floor. Lighting and other elements such as bedroom benches belong to a more traditional style and the furniture is modern. Using a long cushion seat on the side of the bed is another example of a remarkable way that accessories and furniture are used in this house.