1066 Square Feet 3 Bedroom Single Floor Modern Home Design and Plan

Total Area : 1066 Square Feet
Sit Out
3 Bedroom
1 Attached Bathroom
1 Common Bathroom
Because of the bright green leaves and golden stalks, golden color seeks visual privacy, but at the same time it penetrates into the space. In the favorites of both the designer and the client, I made a niche in a home that loves almost all landscapes and gardens. From one of the most popular of stylish, refined, easy to grow, long-lasting landscaping landscape golden bamboo has certainly what you need in any garden star. A small bamboo magic in your garden. Golden bamboo can add style and function to arbitrary things. I use the leaves of bright green leaves to awaken the classic Asian charm and see it. A typical golden bamboo plant has a golden stem, and three feet away, gold quickly provides a linear hedge, an elegant forest or planting feature that can not penetrate. Strong upright, this looks best next to the roadway and sidewalk, and as a visual screen or buffer for noise reduction. Bamboo can be planted at any time of the year. Or monsoon is the time of immediate satisfaction that you can see growth immediately after planting, like winter, where seedlings take time to grow. We will procure bamboo that is cultivated in advance with seedlings in order to obtain the effect of a lucid hedge more quickly. This plant flourishes in most shade in the heat. Partial shade opportunities with many direct sunlight are conditions suitable for plants to prosper. Plant moist soil will not suffer excessive moisture. Plants can tolerate drought. Please give enough time for warm weather.